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Technical Management Consultants Inc. has been greatly prosperous in assisting companies prepare and submit applications for Government funding.

Over the years we have been fundamental to helping our clients be rewarded as low as $10,000 to over $5M in Government funding toward their projects. Our services include but are not limited to assisting in business plan/case writing, application preparation and submission, budget forecasting and cash flow projections.

Government Funding Programs

Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness Stream

By Government Funding Programs

Learn how eligible companies can get support to make investments in technology, equipment or skills to improve your competitiveness.

The Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) Stream will provide financial support to advanced manufacturing companies with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises across Ontario. It will provide investments in:

  • funding support
  • complementary services and support

The types of support available include:

  • be a for-profit business (with a business number)
  • less than 500 employees globally
  • less than $1 billion in global revenues
  • have at least two years of financial statements
  • at least 50% of the company’s total sales revenue comes from the auto supply sector

The fund supports projects that:

  • create jobs and build talent
  • attract and encourage private sector investment
  • help companies to adopt technologies that improve their competitiveness
  • lead to business growth and broad positive economic impacts
  • encourage innovation, collaboration, and cluster development

Who is Eligible

The fund supports business and organizations in advanced manufacturing sectors, including:

  • aerospace
  • automotive
  • chemical
  • information and communications technology (ICT)
  • life sciences
  • steel

To be eligible, businesses need to:

  • have at least three years of operations/financial statements
  • employ at least 10 people
  • commit to creating at least five new jobs and/or upskilled current jobs
  • invest at least $500,000 in their project
  • be located in, or plan to locate in, a community in Ontario

Restrictions: You are not allowed to combine (or stack) AMIC funding with funding from other provincial programs.

Types of Support Available


Up to 15% of eligible project costs.


Up to 15% of funding to a maximum of $5 million, interest free during the project period (up to four years).

If you achieve your investment and job or upskilling targets, up to 30% of the loan (to a maximum of $500,000) may be forgiven.


Grants are available only for specific circumstances, up to 15% to a maximum:

  • of $500,000 for small companies located in rural communities
  • of $1.5 million for strategic projects that are foreign direct investments or from companies competing against other jurisdictions or companies with significant reshoring projects

Complementary Supports and Services

Complementary supports and services are available when you submit a completed application. This could include:

  • advisory services to help you navigate other government programs, such as guidance on compliance approvals
  • help with skills and talent
  • health and safety
  • environmental

These services are available for the duration of your project regardless of the funding outcome. Services will be coordinated by working with partner ministries until they are delivered, closed-out or finalized.

Southwestern Ontario Development Fund

By Government Funding Programs

The fund supports projects that:

  • create jobs and build talent
  • attract and encourage private sector investment
  • lead to business growth and broad positive economic impacts
  • encourage innovation, collaboration and cluster development

Business Projects

To be eligible, businesses need to:

  • invest at least $500,000 in their project (or $200,000 if you are in rural Ontario)
  • employ at least 10 people (or 5 if you are in rural Ontario)
  • commit to creating at least 5 new jobs (or 30% increase for companies with fewer than 15 employees)
  • be able to provide 3 years of operations/financial statements
  • be located in, or plan to locate in, a community in southwestern Ontario
Funding Amount

Up to 15% of eligible project costs.


Up to 15% funding to a maximum of $5M, interest free during the project period (up to 4 years). If you achieve your investment and job targets, up to 30% of the loan (to a maximum of $500,000) may be forgiven.


Grants are available only for specific circumstances, up to 15% to a maximum:

  • Of $500,000 if your company has fewer than 100 employees and is based in rural Ontario (population of your community is less than 100,000 or population density is less than 100 people per square kilometre)
  • Of $1,500,000 for strategic projects that are foreign direct investments or from companies competing against other jurisdictions

Community Economic Development Projects

To be eligible, projects need to:

  • be led by municipalities, economic development organizations (including sector groups) or consortia
  • focus on economic and business development and job creation in the community or region by investing in infrastructure or implementing strategies to advance regional economic development priorities
  • lead to measurable outcomes including private sector investment, growth and job creation
  • invest more than $100,000
  • have private sector support
  • be used for activities that are new to the organization
Funding Amount

Up to 50% of eligible project costs for a maximum grant of up to $1.5 million.


You are not allowed to combine (or “stack”) Southwestern Ontario Development funding with other provincial programs.

Application Period 16 2024

Application opening:
March 28, 2024 – May 16, 2024

Eligibility checklists (recommend submission for this intake period before):
May 2nd, 2024

*Registration on TPON and consulting with regional advisor regarding your application is advised at least two weeks in advance of the application deadline.

Application deadline:
May 16, 2024

Application assessment period
(60 business days):

May 20, 2024 – August 13, 2024

Notification date
(last day to notify applicants):

August 13, 2024

Application Period 15 2023

Application opening:
December 7, 2023 – January 25, 2024

Eligibility checklists (recommend submission for this intake period before):
January 11th, 2024

*Registration on TPON and consulting with regional advisor regarding your application is advised at least two weeks in advance of the application deadline.

Application deadline:
January 25, 2024

Application assessment period
(60 business days):

January 29, 2024 – April 24, 2024

Notification date
(last day to notify applicants):

April 24, 2024

Application Period 14 2023

Application opening:
August 17, 2023 – October 5, 2023

Eligibility checklists (recommend submission for this intake period before):
September 21st, 2023

*Registration on TPON and consulting with regional advisor regarding your application is advised at least two weeks in advance of the application deadline.

Application deadline:
October 5, 2023

Application assessment period
(60 business days):

October 9, 2023 – January 4, 2024

Notification date
(last day to notify applicants):

January 18, 2024

Application Period 13 2023

Application opening:
April 27, 2023 – June 15, 2023

Eligibility checklists (recommend submission for this intake period before):
June 1st, 2023

*Registration on TPON and consulting with regional advisor regarding your application is advised at least two weeks in advance of the application deadline.

Application deadline:
June 15, 2023

Application assessment period
(60 business days):

June 19, 2023 – September 14, 2023

Notification date
(last day to notify applicants):

September 14, 2023

Application Period 12 2023

Application opening:
Jan 12, 2023 – Feb 23, 2023

Eligibility checklists (recommend submission for this intake period before):
Feb 9, 2023

*Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their eligibility checklist a minimum of 10 business days in advance of the application deadline so that they have enough time to register and complete their full applications, if deemed eligible.

Application deadline:
Feb 23, 2023

Application assessment period
(60 business days):

Feb 27, 2023 – May 25, 2023

Notification date
(last day to notify applicants):

May 25, 2023

Ontario Automotive Modernization Program

By Government Funding Programs

The Ontario Automotive Modernization Program (O-AMP) is a partnership with small- and medium-sized automotive parts suppliers in Ontario.

The program is not open for applications at this time. Information about future application rounds will be announced November 14, 2022 and the deadline is January 17, 2023.

Your business could get up to $150,000 to help cover up to 50% of eligible project costs.

As a successful applicant, you are required to contribute at least 50% of remaining project costs through:

  • your own business resources
  • private or bank financing

To be eligible for O-AMP, you must be a small- or medium-sized Ontario-based business in the automotive supply chain.

Specifically, you must meet these requirements:

  • be a for-profit business (with a business number)
  • less than 500 employees globally
  • less than $1 billion in global revenues
  • have at least two years of financial statements
  • at least 50% of the company’s total sales revenue comes from the auto supply sector

Larger companies (i.e. those with more than 500 employees) must partner with at least one Ontario-based small- or medium-sized business to be eligible.

O-AMP provides support to projects that fall under one or both of the following categories:

  • technology adoption – for example, using advanced manufacturing hardware, software and/or training to improve processes and competitiveness. This might include using logistical systems and investing in production hardware or software that digitize production tracking
  • lean manufacturing – for example, improving operational efficiency and competitiveness by using lean manufacturing techniques or hiring the services of a mentor/consultant to help with lean implementation

Projects must also:

  • be achievable – for example, applicants need to have the necessary financing, project management structure and experience to implement the project
  • align with O-AMP’s goals – for example, job creation, revenue increases, cost savings, contributions to regional or automotive sector development

Strategic Innovation Fund

By Government Funding Programs

The Strategic Innovation Fund’s objective is to spur innovation for a better Canada. In July 2018, the Government of Canada made available up to $250 million in new support through SIF. The objective of the Program is to enable steel and aluminum producers to enhance their production capabilities to better meet the product demand from end-users within Canada.

The program has five Streams, each with its own precise objective:

  • Stream 1: Encourage R&D that will accelerate technology transfer and commercialization of innovative products, processes and services;
  • Stream 2: Facilitate the growth and expansion of firms in Canada;
  • Stream 3: Attract and retain large scale investments to Canada; and
  • Stream 4: Advance industrial research, development and technology demonstration through collaboration between the private sector, researchers and non-profit organizations.
  • Stream 5: Support large-scale, national innovation ecosystems through high impact collaborations across Canada.

What are the contribution amounts?

SIF will now focus its support on projects requesting at least $10 million in contributions. Experience shows that the government’s share of funding for a given project usually varies from 10% of project costs up to 50% in exceptional cases. For projects submitted under Streams 1 to 3, contributions are repayable with the possibility of non-repayable only in exceptional cases. All Stream 4 contributions are non-repayable.

The combined level of assistance from all governments (federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal), shall not normally exceed 75% of eligible costs.

AIME Initiative

By Government Funding Programs

The AIME Global program supports southern Ontario manufacturers to undertake training or skills-upgrading activities which will support innovation at the manufacturing facilities.

Supportable projects may include developing new engineering skills, training in the use of new software, hardware or other tools necessary to support innovation; and training to adopt and adapt new technologies, new manufacturing methods or any other area of business that will make a southern Ontario manufacturing company more competitive in the global market place.

All initiatives must support innovation which will lead to new global export opportunities or create new global markets. First time applicants whom have never received AIME funding from us in the past, may be eligible for up to a maximum of $100,000 with 50% shared costs. New, this year, manufacturers who have received funding from us in the past, but more than 24 months ago, may be eligible for a second tier of funding; these second generation applications may be eligible for up to $100,000 with a shared contribution up to 25%. In other words, the company must demonstrate 75% of the costs, with a 25% contribution from YLF up to $100,000.

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)

By Government Funding Programs

Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) provides financial support to qualified small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada to help them undertake technology innovation.

The basic eligibility criteria for IRAP funding are:

  • Be a small and medium-sized enterprise in Canada, incorporated and profit-oriented;
  • Have 500 or less full-time equivalent employees; and
  • Have the objective to grow and generate profits through development and commercialization of innovative, technology-driven new or improved products, services, or processes in Canada.

Business Scale-up and Productivity

By Government Funding Programs

Funding under this stream helps to accelerate the growth of firms and assist with the adoption of new, innovative technologies that support scale-up, productivity, and the development of and entry into new markets to help companies become globally competitive.

Applications can be submitted for:

  • No-interest, repayable contributions up to 35% from $500,000 up to $10 million per project.

Funding is available to:

  • Assist high-growth firms to scale up and expand.
  • Support technology demonstration and the commercialization of new technologies.
  • Encourage the early adoption or adaptation of leading-edge technologies and processes to improve productivity.
  • Increase businesses’ capacity to grow through market diversification and entry into global markets.